Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday July 19 - Sunday July 21 Days 48-50 49 miles / 1033 total

Huge ore dock right next door at Silver Bay
Yesterday's fog is gone and after a night of storms, we have a gorgeous sunny day!  Departure time was 7:30 a.m. with Day Dreams in the lead.  What a joy to be able to see the sights along this rugged shore line.

Several rivers empty into Lake Superior in this stretch, including the Manitou.

Caribou Falls

9:30 a.m.  Just as we passed the falls

                 1000 miles!!

It was a great ride into delightful Grand Marais. 

The marina and adjacent campground form the Grand Marais Recreation Area.  It's a little tight, so we are out on the end of separate piers.  Both boats secured by 3 p.m.

Unfortunately, we got the news on arrival that Garry's mom, Millie, had been hospitalized earlier in the day.  She had suffered a "small vessel" stroke.  So, on Saturday, we worked on making arrangements to leave the boat and get back to Illinois.

Our great friends, Don and Mary, joined us Friday evening.  Grand Marais is a favorite destination for them and they were happy to show us the town.  We enjoyed great food, shopping and all the sites we could fit into a day and a half. 

Grand Marais from above --- Artist Point to the left, harbor entrance on the right, marina out of sight to the far right.

Saw Tooth Mountains (ya think?) from Artist Point.


The Happy Hikers on Artist Point.

Harbormaster Dave and fellow boaters at the marina helped us move Waterford from the end of the pier to a more suitable spot for a week's stay.  Everyone has been wonderful, offering whatever help we may need to get to Illinois and back.

We said goodbye to Day Dreams Sunday morning as they set out for Isle Royale.  We hope to rejoin them a week from now.

Don and Mary dropped us off in Duluth (110 miles away) on their way back home to the Minneapolis area.  We made a couple of stops to enjoy lunch and the scenery along the way.  We'll stay in Duluth overnight and fly out at 0 - dark hundred to Illinois.  We hope to return to Waterford and the blog in a week or so.  In the meantime, please keep Millie in your prayers.

Thanks to all for following along!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jacque and Gary,
    Sorry for news of your Mom,What a blessing to still have her in your life..I have read the blog, as Paul and I live in Oregon..Take care..
    Nancy Davison
